Farming News - The EU Project Farmtopia Aims To Improve Feed And Animal Health Managment On Small To Medium-Sized Farms

The EU Project Farmtopia Aims To Improve Feed And Animal Health Managment On Small To Medium-Sized Farms

Farmtopia: EU Project to Lower Livestock Emissions, Reduce Waste, and Boost Small-Scale Farmers


Farmtopia, an EU-supported project running from 2023 to 2026, is set to democratize digital technology access for small and medium-sized farmers. With a mission to transform agricultural practices throughout Europe, Farmtopia tackles the deficiencies in current Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) and highlights regionally important sectors through nine Sustainable Innovation Pilots. One of these Pilots is a collaboration between Belgium, Netherlands, and France, with a goal to implement a dual-component agricultural digital solution specifically designed for small farms. Where one part of the ADS focuses on providing farmers with specific, professional, and easy to digest knowledge, supported by AI, the other component focuses on monitoring and optimising the greenhouse gas impact of the farm. These tools together democratise information on performance and (GHG) efficiency, to enable farmers to tackle the current challenges facing the industry.


The anticipated outcomes include KPIs: a) ≥10% reduction of methane production per litre of milk produced; b) 10-15% increase in technical performance per animal; c) 10-15% increased profitability by increasing productivity.

Navigating Small-Scale Dairy Farming with Limited Resources

Raising dairy goats and sheep on a small scale requires significant expertise, with profit margins often narrow. This necessitates the reduction of inputs and the minimization of costs. Having access to state-of-the-art info on animal related topics, while it being easily accessible, is paramount for farmers to tackle the challenge of economic viability. With increasing attention going to the environmental impact of livestock farming, the societal pressure on the farms to reduce their GHG impact grows. Understanding the drivers of methane and other emissions and being provided with solutions to reduce certain sources are the first two necessary steps for a farm to reduce their impact and optimise production.

Now, with the development and implementation of innovative Farmtopia solutions already underway, this issue is being tackled through Sustainable Innovation Pilot 3 (SIP3). The aim is to enhance feed and animal health management of small to medium-sized farms. Key technologies involved include AI, user management systems, and decision support algorithms, modeling of farm dynamics, as well as mechanisms for data and knowledge sharing.

“With the technological infrastructure in place and the challenges clearly defined, SIP3 will implement Farmtopia's advanced software modules to enhance the productivity and sustainability of small to medium-sized ruminant farms. This software application aims to provide personalised, data-driven precise, low-cost advice on feeding and animal health management, crucial for optimizing resource use and maximizing productivity. The farmer is presented with insights in the emissions generated by the farm, and how to minimise them.”

Lander Govaerts, Project Coordinator from Govaerts & Co of SIP3 activities in Farmtopia


Govaerts & Co (WGov), the Belgian company leading SIP3, is an independent consulting firm with deep roots in the agricultural and livestock sectors. Besides being the leader of this Pilot, WGov coordinates the cocreation in cooperation with the farmers, manages ADS implementation and evaluates and reports.

KU Leuven (KUL) is an international educational and research community where innovation rests on the foundation of the university’s academic programs. KUL plays a major role in the cocreation phase and offers its expertise on AI integration within the ADS.


Farmtopia’s Open Call for Innovation in 2024

While 9 SIPs have been pre-selected, more will be chosen this fall, with the Farmtopia Open Call beginning this year. The forthcoming Open Call will facilitate the collaborative development and testing of intelligent solutions tailored for small farms by 9 newly established Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs). These initiatives will leverage Farmtopia's reusable software modules. A total funding of €900,000, amounting to €100,000 per SIP, will be allocated for this purpose.

EU Project Farmtopia: Cultivating Community

Farmtopia's comprehensive strategy is designed to unite a diverse range of stakeholders throughout the agricultural value chain. This includes farmers, providers of Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADS), farm advisors, scientists, policymakers, and key actors within Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), among others. By fostering collaboration among these groups, Farmtopia aims to leverage its collective expertise and resources, driving innovation and maximizing the impact of agricultural advancements.

The Farmtopia project (GA No.: 101083541) has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. All the information is available on the project's website, as well as on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and YouTube.