Wheat Prices & Charts - CBOT Futures$/bu

Month+/-%LastCloseHighLowPrev Settle
Jun 2024-0.8545.6545.6554.4
Jul 20240552.6538541.6
Sep 2024572.4556.6560.4
Dec 20240.2594.6579582.6
Mar 20250.4611.6596.2600.4
May 2025621.2607611.2
Jul 20250625611.2616.2
Sep 2025633.4621.4624.6
Dec 20250642.6633.6636.2
Mar 20260643643643.2
May 2026641.6641.6641.6
Jul 20261.2618.6618.6617.4

Converted from $/bu to £ using rate:1.28727
Month+/-%LastCloseHighLowPrev Settle
Jun 2024-0.2155.70155.70158.21
Jul 2024157.70153.53154.56
Sep 2024163.35158.84159.92
Dec 20240.1169.68165.23166.26
Mar 20250.1174.54170.14171.34
May 2025177.28173.22174.42
Jul 2025178.36174.42175.85
Sep 2025180.76177.33178.25
Dec 2025183.38180.81181.56
Mar 2026183.50183.50183.55
May 2026183.10183.10183.10
Jul 20260.3176.53176.53176.19

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Updated: 26 June 2024 18:40 GMT