Farming News - NFU: Celebrate NYE without sky lanterns
NFU: Celebrate NYE without sky lanterns
The NFU has made an appeal to the general public not to use sky lanterns to celebrate New Year's Eve this year. The union has campaigned against sky lanterns (in which a tea-light or small flame lifts a paper lantern into the air), arguing that there are "huge risks" associated with their use.
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However, despite the union's protestations, a Defra-commissioned report conducted last year by ADAS found that the risk to livestock posed by lanterns, and their contribution to litter in the countryside are "of minor significance." The report authors pointed out that "Much of the evidence [of harm from sky lanterns] has been largely anecdotal in nature." However, the ADAS report did conclude that there is a "significant" risk of fire as a result of lantern use.
The Trading Standards Institute published a new code of practice for sky lanterns earlier this year, following discussions between the government and industry. The new code offers guidance for those designing, manufacturing, distributing, retailing or using sky lanterns. Some local councils have introduced measures to prevent the release of lanterns on their land.
NFU Deputy President Minette Batters said, "We realise that these lanterns can be quite spectacular but our members know only too well how dangerous they can be. The NFU continues to call for an outright ban on the sale of sky lanterns and we will continue to lobby government until action is taken."