Farming News - National Beef Association Slams BBC2 for Bias and Urges TB Action

National Beef Association Slams BBC2 for Bias and Urges TB Action

The National Beef Association has grave concerns surrounding some of the content and opinion broadcast on Friday's BBC2 documentary: 'The Badgers, The Farmers and Me', and have released the following comment on behalf of the NBA TB Committee:


"Whilst we believe the documentary correctly surmised that the current overall system is not perfect for either farmers or wildlife, we are deeply concerned about Sir Brian's refusal to accept some of the factual science which does not align with his personal agenda.  The programme was biased in the extreme, giving consumers only one view of a vastly complex debate; for this, the BBC bears responsibility for failing to provide a scientifically balanced and alternative view. 

Over the years, many farmers have suffered greatly with their mental health due to the challenges and financial hardship the disease causes on farms; this broadcast has done nothing to improve their situation - perhaps even made them feel more isolated and alone. 

The new government has accepted the challenge of eradicating TB by 2038, and it is clear that existing policy is unlikely to deliver this. Whilst we welcome the government commitment to at least work through the wildlife control licenses that have already been issued, we would urge them to move quickly to implement better testing and a more radical approach to early detection of the disease. There is no doubt that early detection and speedy eradication of the disease in individual herds would expedite the prospect of a TB-free country considerably. 

The NBA will continue to lobby the government to ensure they invest heavily and appropriately, and we will work with both government and industry towards the eradication of bovine TB."