Farming News - Dorset farm plants native wildflowers to enhance natural flood plains for generations to come

Dorset farm plants native wildflowers to enhance natural flood plains for generations to come

A team of conservation officers and volunteers in Dorset has been given the go ahead to plant native wildflowers and meadow grasses, which will enhance floodplain fields for biodiversity. 

The project is taking place at Bere Marsh Farm, Shillingstone, which is owned by the Countryside Regeneration Trust, a charity promoting nature-friendly farming to help reverse the biodiversity decline and combat climate change. 

The team has already reseeded a total area of 1 hectare with brush-harvested seed from floodplain meadows managed by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. The plan is to increase coverage over the rest of the floodplain fields at Bere Marsh in future years (a total of 13.5ha).  

CRT Head of Conservation and Land Management Helena Darragh explains why the project is so important. 

“Species-rich floodplain meadow habitat in Britain has dramatically declined due to agricultural intensification, urban and industrial development of these flat, low-lying, and fertile areas, as well as alterations to their hydrology through changes to river systems. 

“Due to their proximity to watercourses, species-rich floodplain meadows were once the most productive fields on farms, receiving their nutrients each year through highly fertile silt deposited on the land during flood events.  

“This special value has decreased with fertiliser now used more widely across farm holdings and high yielding grasses selected to grow hay or silage adding to the overall loss of this biodiverse habitat.” 

Floodplain meadows are characterised by diverse herb-rich swards and feature the iconic great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) plant with its crinkle-cut leaves, producing beautiful burgundy seed heads in summer.  

Other wildflowers include common sorrel (Rumex acetosa) and meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis).  

“These magnificent lowland habitats contribute to nature-friendly farm practices through providing a valuable nutritious source of food for livestock,” adds Helena. 

“A hay cut is taken in summer, followed by the grazing of regrowth in autumn, until it becomes too wet for livestock to be on the field.” 

During winter and spring months, floodplain meadows are often inundated with floodwater, providing nesting and feeding habitat for a huge array of birdlife. As the ground becomes drier, livestock can be let on to graze the early grass growth, before being shut out to allow wildflowers to come through and produce an herb-rich hay crop, and so the cycle comes full circle. 

Native wildflower seeds need contact with bare soil to germinate so machinery is used to scratch the top surface of vegetation away to create perfect conditions for sowing. 

“So, while it may not look much at first, keep an eye out in the spring and summer next year for a boost in wildflower abundance on these fields, providing pollen and nectar for a range of pollinators,” adds Helena. 

Across its properties in England, the CRT is committed to enhancing our farmed environment for biodiversity through conservation projects which restore natural habitat as part of our nature-friendly farm practices.  

“Over the coming years at Bere Marsh Farm, we will be working to restore the botanical diversity of our floodplain meadows, adding locally sourced native wildflower seed to the existing grassland.  

“Not only is this great news for birds, mammals, pollinators and other invertebrates, but diverse swards in floodplains help to sequester carbon deep into the soil and improve soil moisture retention since having lots of different plants means a range of rooting depths and systems, all working to pull carbon and water down into the soil to support growth.  

“With the UK now subject to more short, sharp downpours in winter months (and throughout the year) ensuring our floodplains function more effectively by storing water helps to alleviate flooding downstream and reduce soil erosion, providing benefits to local communities.” 

“We’re really looking forward to seeing our meadows flourish, providing for more pollinators and having positive ramifications all the way up the food chain.” she adds. 

For more information about the project and the CRT, please see the website at or to make a donation to the charity, please see