Farming News - Grassroots campaigners celebrate Global Divestment Day

Grassroots campaigners celebrate Global Divestment Day

Over the weekend, people in over 60 countries celebrated Global Divestment Day, urging individuals and companies to take money out of fossil fuels and institutions that support polluting energies.

From 13th-14th February, citizens backing the first Global Divestment Day urged national governments, groups and institutions to withdraw funding from the top 200 fossil fuel companies. Though the event’s organisers said they recognise that “The fossil fuel industry is incredibly powerful,” they maintain that “It's also on the wrong side of history.”

The Global Fossil Free campaign claims that, through raising awareness of the cause, over 180 cities, universities and other groups committed to stop purchasing stock in fossil fuels companies and moving money away from the industry.  

According to the campaign, each act of divestment is a vote for the renewable alternatives to fossil fuels. Divestment by universities, medical associations, religious groups, and local governments has taken $50 billion dollars (£32.5) in investment capital out of fossil fuels.  

As a result of the movement’s success, campaigners said even huge companies such as Shell have been forced to react, promising to look into whether their business plans are compatible with efforts to keep global warming within a 2oC range and, in some cases, mounting PR offensives against the campaign

The campaign produced a video featuring some of the 450 events that took place around the world to mark Divestment Day over the weekend: