Farming News - Funding for industry-led Ruminant Health & Welfare communications confirmed

Funding for industry-led Ruminant Health & Welfare communications confirmed

Independent network and four nations group, Ruminant Health & Welfare Group (RH&W) will be supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health after the business has committed to becoming main sponsor of the group’s communication function going forwards for 2024.


Gwyn Jones, Chair of RH&W explains why the funding is vital.

“This commercial sponsorship support allows us to continue our collaborative efforts to develop and communicate welfare strategy frameworks necessary to prevent, manage, and control disease and welfare challenges within the ruminant sectors,” he says.

“As a collective group of experts and well-connected stakeholders across the ruminant sector, having the support of a company whose goals aligns so well with ours, as well as bringing their own technical expertise to the table, is a brilliant fit for our work.”

Findlay MacBean BSc, Business Head Livestock at Boehringer Ingelheim shares why the business has decided to collaborate with RH&W.

“As a leader in animal health with a focus on preventing disease Boehringer Ingelheim is delighted to be supporting Ruminant Health & Welfare.

“The work the group does across the four nations to help farmers and stock managers tackle sheep and cattle disease, and build the health and welfare status, resilience and production efficiency of our national flock and herd is very important.”

Gwyn adds: “The group is reliant on industry and commercial support to be able to retain the independence and nimble expert communications function we have established.

“We remain extremely thankful to organisations who recognise the value of what we are doing as a group and support our existence.”

Ruminant Health and Welfare is an independent sub-group of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).

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