Farming News - Farming Online Harvest Results - Initial Analsys: Winter Barley

Farming Online Harvest Results - Initial Analsys: Winter Barley

Comparing average yield data for winter barley from the Harvest Results for the first two weeks of 2018 vs 2017, thus neutralising factors such as the earliness of the 2018 harvest:

Overall winter barley average yields are down 9.5% and of the four varieties available with multiple submissions (HYVIDO Bazooka, Carat, Flagon & Maris Otter) HYVIDO Bazooka's average yield is about the same as 2017, while its area submitted has nearly doubled.

This compares to Carat, Flagon & Maris Otter which have both declined in area & average yield vs 2017

The Harvest Results is free to all growers, agronomists & contractors. To take part, simply visit: 

Harvest Results