Farming News - Copa Cogeca reduces estimates for cereals and oilseeds

Copa Cogeca reduces estimates for cereals and oilseeds

European farmers’ organisation Copa-Cogeca today released new EU-27 cereals estimates for the 2012/13 marketing year. The group estimates EU production of cereals and oilseeds will drop by 1.4 per cent and 3.2 per cent respectively on last year’s levels, despite an increased area being given over to cereals.


The reduced production is mainly due to erratic weather which has plagued many of Europe’s growers this season; growers have had to contend with late frost kill, drought conditions and even flooding in 2012.  According to Copa, severe weather conditions meant farmers had to re-sow over 1.5 million hectares this year, but were restricted by a lack of commercialised seed.


Oilseeds are expected to yield lower this year. The European farming group called for more research funding in response to concerns that yields will be affected this season.


Commenting on the challenging year, Ian Backhouse, Chair of the Cereals Working Party said “Severe drought hit Spain and Portugal this year whilst ample frost kill forced farmers to re-sow over 1.5 million hectares. Farmers were able to mitigate these crop losses by being able to switch to alternative Spring cropping. However, their ability to switch crops to respond to market demands was restricted by a lack of commercial seeds and had it not been for their ability to use their own farm saved seed they would not have been able to sow as much as they have.”


Gerard Tubery, Chairman of Copa-Cogeca Working Party on Oilseeds and Protein Crops said “This years EU-27 oilseeds harvest is expected to reach only 27.8 million tonnes, which is down 3.2 per cent on last years’ levels (see). This is partly a result of severe drought in Portugal and Spain which have limited the sowing of sunflowers and lower yields due to the frost kill in the eastern countries of Europe. The figures could still change too negatively due to low temperatures during the flowering period as well as the development of insect attacks. There are also huge differences between regions. EU protein crop production is also forecast to decline more drastically”.


He continued, “The extreme climate conditions in Europe, like frost kill and drought, show the need to increase research across the EU to improve the production potential of the European oilseed and vegetable protein crops. Farmers need a broad choice to grow their crops in the right conditions, with a wide range of plant protection products at their disposal”.