Farming News - Youngest diploma achiever boosts company expertise
Youngest diploma achiever boosts company expertise
Agronomist Rob Norman has become the youngest person in the UK to be awarded the Basis Diploma in Agronomy.
After studying at the Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, Rob joined Frontier in 2010 where he was supported through his diploma to qualify in January at the age of 26.
Based in the East, he works with growers across the whole of Norfolk and North Suffolk and wanted to improve his knowledge to provide them with the best possible service.
“I studied for the diploma to learn more and become a better agronomist” Rob says. “Taking the Basis certificate in crop protection and FACTS course gave me the foundation of my technical knowledge. I decided to pursue further modules to complete the BASIS diploma, which has strengthened that knowledge and enables me to implement crop production thought processes across all areas of agronomy, not just crop protection.
“I covered modules including plant protection, environmental stewardship and advanced nutrient management planning and the course has given me the confidence, as well as the knowledge, to advise on these things.”
Farming near Dereham in Norfolk, Jonathan King of T G Ward and partners has worked with Rob for eighteen months. “He’s always provided us with an excellent service and now he’s got an extra qualification to back it up, it shows we’re getting the best possible advice. We’re very pleased for him and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.”
Rob increases the number of agronomists at Frontier with the Basis diploma; 27% of its 120 agronomists now hold the additional qualification, compared to just 2.2% nationally.
This figure is high for a reason. Frontier places great emphasis on expertise and providing excellent advice and support to growers across England and Scotland. The company offers high levels of training and development, both through external bodies and in house. Though it already has more Basis diploma qualified agronomists than any other company, it continues to support staff through the course with many more currently studying.
This expert knowledge is valuable to the growers Rob supports. “With the volatile price of commodities now, it’s important to understand as much as possible about the customer’s business. My qualification means that I can work with growers to fine tune the techniques used and locate and address any issues at the earliest opportunity, so that the crop meets its full potential and the grower gets the best margins possible.”