Farming News - WASDE shows wheat up oilseed down

WASDE shows wheat up oilseed down


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Global oilseed production for 2013/14 is projected at 504.5 million tons, up 0.2 million from last month with lower soybean production mostly offsetting increases for other crops. Global soybean production is projected at 284.0 million tons, down 1.4 million from last month but still a record. Brazil soybean production is forecast at 87.5 million tons, down 1.0 million from last month with higher harvested area more than offset by lower yields. Lower yields primarily reflect the effect of warm temperatures and limited rainfall through mid-February in the south. India soybean production is reduced 0.8 million tons to 11.0 million reflecting lower-than-average yields resulting from excessive rainfall during much of the growing season. Changes for other crops include higher rapeseed production for India and the European Union, increased sunflowerseed production for Russia, and increased peanut production for Argentina, Brazil, and India.

Global oilseed supplies, exports, and crush for 2013/14 are projected higher this month while ending stocks are projected lower. Higher rapeseed crush in China and higher sunflowerseed crush in Argentina and Russia more than offset reduced soybean crush in the United States, Brazil, and India.

Global oilseed stocks are projected at 82.6 million tons, down 1.4 million.

The full report can be read here