Farming News - Vaderstad launches unique point for effective breakage of compacted soil
Vaderstad launches unique point for effective breakage of compacted soil
The new BreakMix point combines the advantages of breaking compactions with a very intensive mixing. The BreakMix point is a unique Väderstad innovation, which will add versatility and provide agronomical benefits to the farm. - The new and unique Väderstad BreakMix point creates a very effective breakage of compacted soil in depth, whilst providing an intense mixing of residues in the topsoil, says Magnus Samuelsson, Concept Developer, at Väderstad, and continues: - BreakMix adds versatility, lowers input cost and most importantly improves the agronomical working results for the farmer. The BreakMix point is intended for primary or secondary tillage, on farms with heavier soils with risks of compaction. - Thanks to its unique design, the BreakMix point combines the advantages of both mixing the topsoil and breaking a pan or compaction down to 30cm, says Magnus Samuelsson, and adds: - Since the bacteria and fungi are most active in the topsoil, we want to mix residues in the top 10cm of the soil for a faster decomposition. By not mixing at depth, BreakMix avoids pulling up clods to the surface. Breaking at depth further eliminates compactions and pans, while also enabling water transport two ways – both upwards and downwards. The BreakMix point is constructed with hard metal Marathon reinforcements. This ensures an extremely long working life in the field. Väderstad presented the BreakMix point for the first time at Agritechnica 2017 and is now available for all Väderstad tine cultivators.