Farming News - Use data to improve pig performance

Use data to improve pig performance


The Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) is to advise visitors at this years British Pig and Poultry fair on the collection, analysis and effective use of data on their stand. 


The RASE stand will showcase the latest technologies and innovations being used to improve pig and poultry performance, reduce environmental impact and ensure sustainable and profitable industries.


This will include monitoring animal behavior, climate, water and feed intake for early health warnings and the use of electronic identification for pigs.


As well as this a number of experts will be on hand throughout the day to offer advice to producers on these areas of interest.


Producers and industry are encouraged to come along and discuss the latest innovations and new technology available, and how that might be applied to their farming business to enhance their management and physical and financial performance.


“With growing pressure on agricultural production through a number of factors including a growing population, labour constraints, rising input costs and consumer concerns, there has never been a more important time to improve productive efficiency,” said Charlotte Johnston, Technical Advisor at the RASE.