Farming News - UK food and farming sector unites to set Brexit objectives for government
UK food and farming sector unites to set Brexit objectives for government
Leaders of over 100 organisations from across the nation's food supply chain have put their names to a manifesto setting out the key principles that can help ensure Brexit is a success for the supply of food in the UK.
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The UK Food Supply Chain Manifesto, released today, has been drawn up by organisations representing farmers producing the raw ingredients and their suppliers, right through to manufacturers and retailers. It sets out the need for positive outcomes on trade, labour, regulation and domestic agricultural policy.
With little more than 10 months to go before Brexit, the manifesto emphasises the importance of ensuring our departure from the EU does not undermine the food production and supply sectors in the UK.
The manifesto has been sent to the Prime Minister by NFU President Minette Batters on behalf of the signatories, as well as other key cabinet ministers.
Download the UK Food Supply Chain Manifesto here
Mrs Batters said: "Today we are presenting a united voice as a food and farming sector worth at least £112bn to the UK economy and employing around 4 million people; a food and farming sector that meets 61% of the nation's food needs with high-welfare, traceable and affordable food; a food and farming sector that cares for three-quarters of the iconic countryside, that, in turn, delivers over £21bn in tourism back to our economy.
"In the manifesto we warn, as a collective, that a Brexit that fails to champion UK food producers, and the businesses that rely on them, will be bad for the country’s landscape, the economy and critically our society. Conversely, if we get this right, we can all contribute to making Brexit a success for producers, food businesses and the British public, improving productivity, creating jobs and establishing a more sustainable food supply system.
"When it comes to the nation's ability to produce food, we believe it is critical that the different elements of Brexit are carefully considered by all Government departments - including the Prime Minister who has herself spoken about the importance of supporting our sector through Brexit in recent days.
"As we enter this critical period in the Brexit negotiations, the signatories to this manifesto will be looking to Government to ensure its objectives are aligned with ours to ensure British food production - something of which every person in this country enjoys the benefits - gets the best possible deal post-Brexit."
The 105 signatories are:
Agility Agriculture Ltd
Agricultural Biotechnology Council
Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC)
Agrovista UK Ltd
Armstrong Richardson
Asplins Producer Organisation Limited
Association of Independent Crop Consultants Ltd (AICC)
B & W Feeds (Mobile) Ltd
Bayer Crop Science
BerryWorld Group
Billericay Fertiliser Services Ltd
Branston Ltd.
British Egg Industry Council (BEIC)
British Growers Association
British Meat Processors Association (BMPA)
British Poultry Council (BPC)
British Retail Consortium (BRC)
British Society of Plant Breeders Ltd (BSPB)
British Summer Fruits
Busby Partners Limited
Cawood Scientific Ltd
Cefetra Ltd
CF Fertilisers UK Ltd
CN Seeds Ltd
Country Land and Business Association (CLA)
Dovecote Park
East of Scotland Farmers Ltd
Elsoms Seeds Ltd
Farm Fresh PO Ltd
Federation of Bakers
Fengrain Ltd
Food and Drink Federation (FDF)
ForFarmers UK Limited
Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC)
Frontier Agriculture Ltd
Gleadell Agriculture Ltd
Glencore Agriculture UK Ltd
Hall Hunter Partnership Limited
Harbro Ltd
Haygrove Ltd
HL Hutchinson Ltd
Humphrey Feeds
International Meat Trade Association (IMTA)
JE & VM Dalton Ltd \ Dalton Seeds
John Thompson & Sons Ltd
Limagrain UK Ltd
Lion Seeds Ltd.
Lower Reule Farm Ltd
LS Plant Breeding
Lutton Farm
Manor Farm Feeds
Marks and Spencer (M&S)
Mars Horsecare UK Ltd
Meijer Seed Potato Ltd
National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC)
National Association of British and Irish Flour millers (NABIM)
National Farmers Union (NFU)
National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS)
National Office of Animal Health (NOAH)
National Pig Association (NPA)
National Sheep Association (NSA)
NFU Cymru
North East Grains
OMEX Agriculture Ltd
Openfield Agriculture Limited
Pearce Seeds Ltd
Pet Food Manufacturers' Association (PFMA)
Potato Processors Association (PPA)
Precision Liquids
Premium Crops a division of Cefetra Ltd
Princes Limited
ProCam UK Ltd
Promtek Ltd
Provision Trade Federation (PTF)
Quantil Agriculture Ltd
RAGT Seeds (UK)
Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF)
Saaten Union (UK) Ltd
Sakata UK Ltd
Senova Ltd
Ses Vanderhave
Simpsons Malt Limited (incl. McCreath Simpson & Prentice and John Guthrie, trading divisions)
Strathclyde Nutrition
Tenant Farmers Association (TFA)
The Maltsters’ Association of Great Britain (MAGB)
Tozer Seeds Ltd
Trouw Nutrition
Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU)
Volac International Ltd
W & R Barnett Ltd and R & H Hall Ltd
WA Church (Bures) Ltd
William Thompson (York) Ltd and Bata Ltd
Winterwood Farms Limited
Withernay Company
WL Duffield
Wynnstay Group PLC
Yara UK Limited