Farming News - UK Agricultural Tractor Registrations for August slightly up on 2021

UK Agricultural Tractor Registrations for August slightly up on 2021

Month:                               834 Units            +0.6% change (compared with August 2021)

Year to Date:                      8,227 Units         -5.4% change (compared with January-August 2021)                   

After a couple of months of year-on-year declines, UK registrations of agricultural tractors (over 50hp) moved slightly above last year's level in August.

At 834 machines, the monthly figure was just five higher than in August 2021 and only slightly further ahead of the August average from the previous five years.

The total for the year to date was still 5% lower than in January to August 2021, though, as supply chain disruptions continue to delay delivery of tractors to customers.

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