Farming News - The first UK Rural Crime Day of Action is taking place today

The first UK Rural Crime Day of Action is taking place today

Organised by the National Police Chiefs’ Council, there are events and activities taking place in forces across rural England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Make sure you’re following your local force to find out what’s happening where you live.

Here at the National Rural Crime Network, we’re committed to supporting the efforts to tackle crime in rural areas so that people are safe – and feel safe.

On this Day of Action…

NRCN Chair Julia Mulligan said:

“I will continue to fight for rural communities, who should not have to put up with sub-standard services just because of where they live. This simply cannot be tolerated. Despite the passionate and professional police officers working incredibly hard day-in, day-out, they and the communities they serve are being let down because priorities lie elsewhere.”

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