Farming News - The driest six months since 1929.

The driest six months since 1929.

The UK has had the driest first six months of any year since 1929.

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The drier conditions have been caused by a lack of Atlantic weather systems, which usually cross the UK bringing bands of rain, especially to western regions.   

The drier conditions have led to pressure on water resources in some areas.

Barrie Clarke, Communications Director at Water UK, the water industry representative, said: "These figures paint a graphic picture of why reservoir levels in the west are so low by comparison with normal years. During such a dry spell it makes sense to use water wisely wherever you live."

Over the weekend and into next week, further rain is expected towards northern and western regions, with some significant amounts. Dry weather is expected to continue over southern and eastern parts of the UK, however, there is the risk of a thunderstorm.