Farming News - Surge in land in conversion to organic amid boost in funding for nature-friendly farming
Surge in land in conversion to organic amid boost in funding for nature-friendly farming
Land in conversion to organic in the UK with Soil Association Certification has doubled in the last year as “government and shoppers invest in nature-friendly farming”.
Although government figures for organic farmland in 2024 have not yet been published, data relating to land certified to Soil Association standards indicates that organic farmland is on the rise.
This trend has been announced today (Wednesday 26 February) in Soil Association Certification’s annual Organic Market Report, which has also revealed another year of growth in the UK’s organic market.
The sector has bounced back from the cost-of-living crisis with growth exceeding non-organic, rising 7.3% to reach £3.7bn in 2024 and marking the thirteenth consecutive growth year for organic.
This news comes as the Basic Payment Scheme is being withdrawn from farmers in England – a financial set back that can be offset for arable farmers if they grasp the payments available for converting to organic via the new Sustainable Farming Incentives.
Soil Association organic farming advisor Adrian Steele said: “There are huge opportunities for farmers, especially arable, to protect both their bottom lines and the environment by switching to organic. Both the government and shoppers are investing in this nature-friendly system of farming, but currently British farmers are missing out as the growing demand for organic is largely being met by imports.
“There are tremendous opportunities to meet demand for organic pulses and grains, for both human consumption and animal feed, which are there for the taking by the many farmers who are dedicated to producing good food in harmony with nature.
“We are delighted to see the land in conversion with Soil Association Certification doubling since January 2024, after government figures for 2023 showed that the percentage of organic land share had remained largely static at around 3% in England for the last decade.”
* Webinar to explore financial opportunities *
Soil Association Certification is hosting a webinar alongside farming advisors from the Soil Association charity to outline the payment opportunities that are available via the Sustainable Farming Incentives and Countryside Stewardship.
As well as covering organic conversion payments, it will also cover the payments available for adopting practices that replace expensive and polluting artificial fertilisers and pesticides, which are banned in organic farming.
Adrian added: “It can be a big mindset change to go organic, so we would encourage any arable farmer who is interested in boosting their cashflow with organic production to use the advice we are offering.”
The webinar is being held online on Wednesday 19 March at 10am, and will include information and advice from organic farming experts and grain marketing company Robin Appel.
To attend the webinar, book a place online , and to contact Soil Association Certification for information around switching to organic, visit