Farming News - Struggling to get your wheat in the ground - you are not alone.

Struggling to get your wheat in the ground - you are not alone.

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Struggling to get your wheat in the ground; you are not alone.


The wet summer has impacted on autumn sowings as fields prove too wet to sow. Continuous rain events keep soils above field capacity making drilling impossible for many.


Reports from agronomists across the country show that winter wheat sowing ranges from 25% of the expected crop in the ground to all sown up. The wetter South, West and Midlands seem to be bearing the brunt so far.


Drilling of winter oilseed rape on the other hand appears to have progressed better. But whilst many are reporting all planned acreage is in the ground many crops are still struggling to get beyond the cotyledon stage.


Let us know how you are doing by filling in the simple sowing survey on Farming Online. Enter your planned hectarage of winter wheat and winter oilseed rape and the percentage of the crop established so far. The results are anonymous so don't worry about your neighbours finding out. The survey is designed so that you can re-submit the figures for percentage establishment as your crops develop.


The results will be amalgamated into regions. The results will show you how drilling is progressing across the country as the autumn progresses.


As a rule of thumb crops are considered to have established once they have reached the two true leaf stage in winter oilseed rape and two leaves in winter wheat.


click here for the survey