Farming News - Steve Reed statement on EPA report

Steve Reed statement on EPA report

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Steve Reed said:  
"These findings are shocking. For too long, water companies have pumped record levels of sewage into our rivers, lakes and seas. This Government will never let this happen again.
"We have announced immediate steps to put water companies under tough special measures and begin the work of cleaning up our waterways. 
"The Water (Special Measures) Bill will strengthen regulation to turn the tide on the unacceptable destruction of our waterways, ensuring water companies deliver for customers and the environment and attract private-sector investment to upgrade our crumbling infrastructure.
"Change will take time, and we will outline further legislation to fundamentally transform our water industry and restore our rivers, lakes and seas to good health."
  • Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Emma Hardy will meet with the bosses of the five water companies that received a 2-star rating, to hear directly from them about how they plan to improve their environmental performance.
  • In his first week, the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Steve Reed has announced a series of initial steps towards ending the crisis in the water sector:
  • After writing to Ofwat, the Secretary of State has secured agreement that funding for vital infrastructure investment is ringfenced and can only be spent on upgrades benefiting customers and the environment. Ofwat will also ensure that when money for investment is not spent, companies refund customers, with money never allowed to be diverted for bonuses, dividends or salary increases.  
  • Water companies will place customers and the environment at the heart of their objectives. Companies have agreed to change their 'Articles of Association' – the rules governing each company – to make the interests of customers and the environment a primary objective. 
  • Strengthen protection and compensation for households and businesses when their basic water services are affected. Subject to consultation, the amount of compensation customers are legally entitled to when key standards are not met will more than double. The payments will also be triggered by a wider set of circumstances including Boil Water Notices.
  • In addition, the Water (Special Measures) Bill outlined in the First Kings Speech will:
  • Strengthen regulation to ensure water bosses face personal criminal liability for lawbreaking.
  • Give the water regulator new powers to ban the payment of bonuses if environmental standards are not met.
  • Boost accountability for water executives through a new 'code of conduct' for water companies, so customers can summon board members and hold executives to account.
  • Introduce new powers to bring automatic and severe fines.
  • Require water companies to install real-time monitors at every sewage outlet with data independently scrutinised by the water regulators.