Farming News - Spades at the ready: Scottish Soils Conference

Spades at the ready: Scottish Soils Conference

To celebrate the UN International Year of the Soils, the Scottish Organic Forum is hosting a practical conference focusing on the most vital asset on your farm: soil. Taking place on the 10th March at United Auctions, Stirling Agricultural Centre, the conference is open to all farmers and growers, organic and non-organic, and everyone else who is interested in sustainable agricultural practices and production.
Speakers include one of the UK’s top grass experts, Charlie Morgan GrassMaster, Professor Christine Watson (who currently leads the Soils and Systems Research Team at SRUC), and Steven Jack, MD of Nessgro and recent winner of Marks & Spencer’s Farming Future award.
The focus of the event will be the state of our soils, knowing what you’ve got and how to increase its productivity. The sessions will include practical perspectives from farmers and growers.
The event organisers are also asking farmers and growers to bring their own soil!  Physical assessments of individual soil samples will be carried out in the afternoon looking at colour, texture, roots, compaction, smell and worms - just as you would out in the field, to give you an indication of the current health of your soil.
Charlie Morgan GrassMaster commented, “Soil is a precious natural resource the foundation from which our food is produced. Getting the basics right is vital. Know where you are starting from, get your soil analysed dig some holes. Correcting the pH status of your soil by applying lime is a simple and effective way to increase grassland productivity and profitability.”
Our experts will explore how you might adjust soil management techniques if necessary. All you need to do is bring an intact ‘spade square’ of soil. This event is a great opportunity for farmers and growers to get all the latest research from an excellent speaker line up.
Cost is £20 plus VAT, with refreshments and lunch included.  This event is supported by The Scottish Government and SRUC Research. Further information, including booking info can be found at Scottish Organic Forum
 or on Scottish Soil Conference’s website.