Farming News - Septoria creeping up the canopy

Septoria creeping up the canopy

01 May 2015. It might have got cooler even with a few frosts but Septoria seems to be on a mission creep slowly moving up the canopy. However, this seems to be the only disease in winter cereals that is making an appearance, pity it has the potential to be such a yield robber. Low temperatures could delay full flag leaf emergence and some are contemplating the need for another fungicide slotted in between T1 and T2. Oilseed rape crops are beginning to drop thier petals and many have taken the opportunity this week to get a Sclerotinia spray on in advance of any rains. Spring crops could do with a drink in some cases to get them out of the ground.


  • Final leaf 2 emerging or emerged in many wheat crops.
  • Flag leaf appearing on forward wheat crops in the South.
  • T1 fungicides underway/completed.
  • Flag leaf appearing in winter barley.
  • Septoria creeps up the canopy.
  • Seed weevils at threshold levels.
  • Bean weevils moving into spring beans.


Winter Wheat

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Septoria shows itself on leaf 4

South. Some rain (c.20mm), but cooler weather with some night frosts in the last week has slowed down leaf emergence, yet most September sown crops of Cordiale, Solstice, Crusoe and Skyfall now have leaf 2 5-75% emerged, with tip of flag-leaf poking through in more advanced crops. With only 2-3 weeks between T0 and follow up T1 applications, there should now be very effective protective  fungicide cover on leaves 2, 3 and 4 in many crops. Ground conditions remain very good and crops certainly look happier after 20mm of rain in the last week.
Brown rust: T0 and T1 fungicides have removed any visible signs of disease.
Mildew: still mostly absent.
Septoria: beginning to develop now on tips of leaf 4 in a range of varieties including Claire, Scout, Cordiale and even Crusoe – if weather continues unsettled and cool, and the gap until T2 likely to be greater than 3 weeks, then may well pay to consider a T1 ½ spray to cover leaf 2 and early GS37 ahead of using a robust rate of new generation SDHI + triazole at T2?
Yellow rust: none seen to date.
Eyespot: becoming more visible again following recent rain on earliest sown wheats.
Weed control: Blackgrass generally only low levels present in most fields following autumn residuals.


Eastern Counties. Early drilled now have final leaf 2 emerging or emerged. Some very close to GS 33. Later drilled wheats just are now at GS31. Cold nights continue to slow growth and crops are noticeably short due to the dry conditions. A good rain is needed.
Brown rust: none seen.
Mildew: none seen.
Septoria: obvious on old leaves in all situations.
Yellow rust: none seen to date.
Eyespot: none seen.
Weed control: cold weather not great for application designed for follow up blackgrass control.

East Midlands. Many crops have leaf 3 emered and leaf 2 tip showing. Most crops look well and dry conditions should be getting roots down, but some crops are short even without a PGR due to dry conditions and cold nights.
Brown rust: none seen.
Mildew: trace levels only.
Septoria: lower leaves remain clear but obvious on older leaves.
Yellow rust: no new sightings.
Eyespot: conspicuous by its absence - hardly any stem browning seen at all.
Weed control: some re growth of blackgrass where kill previously looked good obviously a low level of resistance letting plants recover a bit but hopefully these will be short and below crop!

West Midlands. Very noticeable this year where nitrogen has been delayed on all cereal crops where land was too wet to travel, yield potential on some of these crops could be severely affected (probably 5% of wheat plus winter and spring barley). Early sown Grafton, Skyfall and Solstice have the flag leaf about 5% out on the main stem with the majority of leaf 2 fully out. Vast majority of T1 applications went on last week, with the wheat after maize and beet being done this week and the odd late crops where nitrogen was applied late.
Brown rust: none seen.
Mildew: gone.
Septoria: leaf 5 has visible septoria symptoms (approximately 15-20%) and now leaf 4 tips are also showing signs of septoria.
Yellow rust:no new sightings..
Eyespot: remains at low levels - less than 5% of stem bases.
Weed control: Bromes eventually dying back after herbicide applications.


North East. T1 fungicide applications now nearly completed on most farms. Late drilled still at stem extension GS 30.  September drilled crops are between GS 32- 33, whilst October drilled crops are now at GS 31 moving to GS 32. Another dry week with a few frosts has kept diseases at bay.
Brown rust: none seen.
Mildew: traces levels on variety Target..
Septoria: moving on to final leaf 4 particularly where either T0 or T1 fungicides were delayed.
Yellow rust: no new infections seen.
Eyespot: trace levels on some second wheat.
Weed control: post emergence applications for control of blackgrass have been variable. Spring germinating wild oats are emerging.


Winter Oilseed Rape 

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Seed weevil threshold one per plant.

South. All crops are now between early flowering and 10 pods set.
Sclerotinia: all flowering crops here in the South have been sprayed in last 10 days so are protected for around 14-21 days. With the onset of cooler and unsettled conditions now looking as though many crops will also need a mid-flower fungicide.
Seed weevil: around 50% of crops inspected in last 7 days have been close to or above thresholds (1 adult/plant) for weevil control last week.

Eastern Counties. Most crops at full flower to early petal fall. Some welcome rain on Wednesday.
Sclerotinia: spray applied to most fields or due anytime now. Several farmers have taken the opportunity to apply fungicide ahead of the change in weather to ensure petals are coated before they fall. Hopeful due to the dry early flowering period one sclerotinia spray may suffice. Mindful of low rape price and controlling input costs. Will depend on weather during remainder of flowering and the length of flowering on whether or not a second spray may be applied.
Seed weevil: present on several of the sunny warmer days.

East Midlands. Many crops at full flower with a few at early petal fall with some good looking crops about - later pigeon damaged crops just starting to flower.
Sclerotinia: sprays ready to go at early petal fall or 2-3 weeks after growth regulator fungicide if it had sclerotinia control. A few early flowering crops have been done already so as not to clash with T1 applications for wheat with a follow up in 3 weeks - generally Proline.
Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle: no damage seen.

West Midlands. Petal fall started as of last Monday but a fair percentage of crops are now at full flower.
Light leaf spot: no new sightings.
Sclerotinia: germination of sclerotia have been reported locally and good spraying conditions meant that probably 80% plus of crops were sprayed this week
Seed weevil : a few now starting to appear.

North East. Crops mainly at mid flower stage to early petal fall.
Phoma: no new sightings.
Light Leaf Spot: no new developments.
mid flower spray planned for after rain, or 3 weeks after last fungicide.
Seed weevil : now at threshold levels in several fields.
Weed control: recent flush of blackgrass coming through the cracks of dry soil.

Winter Barley.

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Crops mainly disease free.

South: Crops typically now in range GS32-39 and now growing rapidly following rain. T2 application looking likely in around 10-14 days time at Awns emerging.
Eastern:  GS 33 but some with the flag leaf emerged!! Very short (10-12 inches!). Desperate for a good soak! Crops remain very free of diseases.
West Midlands. Majority of crops this week with flag leaf half out to fully out ( fully out mainly Glacier and Volume). All crops seen this week are clean from leaf 3 upwards and what is below is not an issue either.
East Midlands. Leaf 2 emerging but crops a bit short with the dry weather, expect awns to be out first week of May. Some blotching of leaves after fungicide which may be a stress factor with hot days and frost at night.
North East: Flag leaves beginning to unfurl. Crops still remain free of disease with only traces of Net-blotch and Rhynchosporium on older leaves. Brown rust in Bamboo now controlled by recent fungicide applications.



Spring barley

South East. Most crops now between GS12 and GS22. Crops need rain urgently on lighter soils now and to aid germination in some heavier patches.
Eastern counties. Just drilled to rows visible GS12-21.On bad blackgrass/ryegrass fields a fair population is emerging with the crop.
East Midlands. Crops at 2-3 leaves and generally emerging well but some patchy emergence on cloddier dry soils - imminent rain will be welcome.
West Midlands. Earliest drilled crops have 1-2 tillers but this the exception majority are 3-4 leaf with the late sown crops just emerging. Some fields have capped/slumped and rain now would be ideal for many crops
Some have had to re drill some headlands because of capping. No signs of any disease yet.
North East. Crops at the one to two leaf stage. Seed beds are dry and pre-emergence herbicides are struggling.


Spring beans.

In East Midlands crops are emerging with little weevil damage but the odd notching seen in emerging crops and will need monitoring. In the West Midlands bean weevil activity has picked up quickly over the last few days with extensive notching in some crops. In the North East crops are at the two leaf pair stage and bean weevil damage has needed treatment on a few fields.


Sugar Beet

Sugar beet. Establishment generally giving populations in the 80 to 100,000 range /ha. There are a few gaps due to the protracted emergence. Some fields which had a slight cap have populations down to 65 to 70,000. Beet is growing relatively slowly and bird grazing is an issue in places: partridges, skylarks and pigeons. Hopefully the rain falling this week will help. Moisture is needed to aid germination on a few late drilled fields on heavier soils where seed has been sitting amongst dry cobbles.


Growth stage is generally 2 expanded true leaves with a few crops at four true leaf stage. Later drilled are expanded cotyledons.


First post –em herbicides have generally worked very well they were applied early in response to a large flush of weeds. Black bindweed in particular has emerged in abundance. Planning to apply some second post –em applications after the rain today, most fields will wait until early next week. Cleavers are only just emerging and the odd volunteer potato.