Farming News - Scottish government awards local food scheme
Scottish government awards local food scheme
The Scottish government has allocated almost £775,000 to a scheme that aims to promote fresh, seasonal, local and organic food. The Food for Life scheme will benefit from a government grant, which was announced by Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead during a visit to the Royal Highland Show.
The Scottish government has supported Food for Life Scotland, administered by the Soil Association Scotland, since 2008. A major strand of Food for Life Scotland’s work is to support caterers in Scotland to achieve the Soil Association’s Catering Mark, a UK-wide certification scheme recognising a caterer’s commitment to serving good, healthy and sustainable food.
The scheme also certifies schools, local authorities and other institutions, encouraging them to source healthy, local produce and increase the focus on sustainability.
A study by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England last week revealed the value local, sustainable food networks have to rural region, supporting healthy diets and growing the rural economy. The report, which showed local food networks serve an estimated 16 million people each week in England alone, also revealed local food outlets support on average three times as many jobs as supermarkets, and that money spent in these outlets circulates for longer in the rural economy.
On announcing the grant, while visiting the Soil Association, Mr Lochhead said, “The Royal Highland Show is always a great opportunity to showcase Scotland’s food and drink sector. I am delighted that the Soil Association’s project focuses on health, education and the environment whilst also promoting quality fresh seasonal produce.
“Food and drink is one of Scotland’s greatest success stories thanks to our amazing raw ingredients that are produced from our natural larder. Scottish food and drink exports are at a record high and this investment will help this important industry to continue to grow and enhance our reputation in overseas markets.”
The grant is part of the Food Processing, Marketing and Co-operation (FPMC) award, which has allocated support to over 130 Scottish food projects. The money was awarded to the Soil Association, one of the partners in the Food for Life initiative.