Farming News - Royal Welsh Show - Aberystwyth University Events Contact

Royal Welsh Show - Aberystwyth University Events Contact

The following events will be held at Aberystwyth University’s Pavilion (Education Pavilion 584 G) at the Royal Welsh Show later this month:


Monday 22 July

Innovation in the Mid Wales Economy

Cllr Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion Council
Prof. Jon Timmis, Vice Chancellor of Aberystwyth University

Speakers will talk about the Agri-Tech Launchpad, an initiative that includes a £5 million fund to support business-led projects to boost the rural economy throughout north and mid Wales. Businesses who have already benefitted from the support of the University’s AberInnovation will be showcasing their work.

To Tree or not to Tree? getting the balance right


Panel discussion with:

Abi Reader, NFU Cymru Deputy President

Teleri Fielden, FUW Policy Officer

Arfon Williams, Head of Land and Marine Policy, RSPB Wales

Rachel Sharp, Director Wildlife Trusts Wales

Chair: Professor Iain Donnison, Head of IBERS


Tuesday 23 July

Workshop: "What does Growth in the Rural Economy Look Like?"


Professor Mike Woods

A discussion with rural businesses, councillors and community representative about economic development and growth in the economy of Rural Wales.

Meeting Mid Wales’ Health Needs - Celebrating 2 years of Nursing Education in Aberystwyth


Eluned Morgan MS, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care
Dr Chris Jones, Chair, HEIW

An event to mark two years since Aberystwyth University’s first ever nursing students began their studies.

Throughout the Show

In addition to the above discussions, sessions will be held throughout the week by the School of Veterinary Science and the Healthcare Education Centre, as well as exhibitions of research work on Bovine TB, parasites and robots.

The University's Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences is also hosting an exhibition stand (877CCA), demonstrating a wide variety of its work including on grass breeding, biomass and oat research. Its distance learning team will be demonstrating a robot dog and auto venting of greenhouses.