Farming News - Responding to Sir Keir Starmer’s NFU speech

Responding to Sir Keir Starmer’s NFU speech

Labour's pitch for the farming vote is superficially attractive.  Sir Keir's desire to boost exports is welcome, and many farmers will be delighted to hear his pledge to uphold standards in future trade deals and tackle rural crime. But without making a commitment to the long term funding of Environmental Land Management Schemes it is difficult to see any concrete deliverables as yet.

 "85% of businesses in the countryside are not engaged in farming or forestry.  The rural economy as a whole is 19% less productive than the national average. Closing this gap would add £43bn to UK GVA.  Labour needs a laser-like focus on understanding the causes of this productivity gap, and it must work together with the industry to develop policies designed to close it.  

 "The rural economy has extraordinary potential, and we deserve a government that will share in the ambition of rural businesses and communities. Labour is making the right noises, but as with all other political parties, it is still some way off a meaningful economic strategy for the countryside."