Farming News - Reminder - upcoming EU active substance renewal submission deadlines

Reminder - upcoming EU active substance renewal submission deadlines

Under the EU BPR, active substance approvals will expire unless a renewal application is submitted at least 550 days before their expiry date.


The 550-day deadlines are coming up for the following active substance/product type combinations under EU BPR. This affects NI:

  • Acrylaldehyde (Acrolein) (CAS 107-02-8 EC 203-453-4) in product type 12
    28 August 2023

  • 3-phenoxybenzyl(1R,3R)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1- enyl)cyclopropanecarboxylate (1R-trans-Phenothrin) (CAS 26046-85-5 EC 247-431-2) in product type 18
    28 February 2024

  • bis(N-cyclohexyl-diazenium-dioxy)-copper (Cu-HDO) (CAS 312600-89-8 EC n/a) in product type 8
    28 February 2024

  • Iodine (CAS 7553-56-2 EC 231-442-4) in product types 1, 3, 4 and 22
    28 February 2024

  • Isopropyl-(2E,4E,7S)-11-methoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,4-dodeca-dienoate (S-methoprene) (CAS 65733-16-6 EC n/a) in product type 18
    28 February 2024

  • n-Decanoic acid (Decanoic acid) (CAS 334-48-5 EC 206-376-4) in product types 4, 18 and 19
    28 February 2024

  • n-Octanoic acid (Octanoic acid) (CAS 124-07-2 EC 204-677-5) in product types 4 and 18
    28 February 2024

  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine (CAS 25655-41-8 EC n/a) in product types 1, 3 and 22
    28 February 2024

Any person, company or taskforce/consortium can support an active substance/product type combination for renewal – it doesn't have to be the original supporter.


Check the EU Article 95 List to see who the original supporters were.


If a renewal application is not submitted for the above active substance/product type combinations under EU BPR, the approvals will expire. This means the active substances can no longer be used in biocidal products of the relevant product types in NI.