Farming News - Register before 29th February to earn carbon payments off Harvest 2024!

Register before 29th February to earn carbon payments off Harvest 2024!

In less than a minute, calculate how much you could earn from your carbon with Soil Capital, an agronomy firm is leading the way to unlock carbon payments for arable and mixed farmers:|%20Season%204

As the longest standing carbon payments provider in Europe, we understand that farmers want to be working with a provider they can trust, with a proven track record. So here is ours:

  • UK farmers paid an average of £55/ha in 2023
  • Over £4 million paid to farmers
  • We don't deal with carbon offsets, instead we have a proven insetting model, with numerous multi-year, multinational deals signed with market leaders such as MARS, Nestle, Cefetra, Cargill, and many more.
  • The largest volume of signed certificate sales agreements in Europe
  • Over 270,000 ha in the programme and growing.