Farming News - Reducing tillage on organic farms
Reducing tillage on organic farms
A new research project, begun in September 2011, aims to show the benefits of reduced tillage on organic farmers.
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Reduced tillage and green manures have the potential to improve soil structure and biology that can be damaged after the use of traditional mouldboard ploughing. Trials have shown that reduced tillage can increase levels of soil organic matter, improve soil stability, increase soil biological activity and reduce fuel consumption.
However, technical difficulties, most notably in weed control, mean that abandoning the plough can be challenging for organic farmers. To make use of the fuel savings and soil conservation associated with reduced tillage, it therefore needs to be adapted to the special conditions in organic agriculture.
ORC said the TILMAN-ORG project will therefore develop optimum techniques of reduced tillage and green manures for organic systems. 24 scientific trials across 15 research partners in 10 European countries will be conducted together with case studies and farmer interviews over the course of the project.
The scientists conducting the trials will facilitate the design of optimised arable rotations with improved soil quality and greenhouse gas emissions, optimised weed control, enhanced nutrient use efficiency and improved crop performance.
In the ORC trial, at Duchy Home Farm, Gloucestershire, conventional ploughing is being compared with the use of a reduced tillage machine - the Ecodyn cultivator. The project at Duchy farm has been ongoing since 2010.
Dr Thomas Döring, who is leading the ORC project, commented, “The results that we have obtained over past two years are very encouraging, especially in terms of reduced fuel use. What we need now is more long term monitoring of the weed situation and the soil conditions. And it is clear that there is some way to go in terms of developing the machinery.”
Dr Döring said the ORC would continue its research to investigate the agronomic and ecological effects of using reduced tillage, with a special focus on weeds.