Farming News - Red Tractor progress towards lifetime assurance for beef

Red Tractor progress towards lifetime assurance for beef

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Red Tractor accepts that responses have also identified some continued concerns about how this might be delivered, for example the need for systems to check the assured status of animals through their lifetime. The Red Tractor team will continue to develop options and then explain how they can be delivered. 


The consultation provided some very helpful insights. One message received clearly from the feedback is that producers must, if they wish, be able to continue to handle non-assured stock alongside assured stock. We take the point that we need to base any system on the status of the individual animal. 


The responses also told us that we need to do more to communicate how Red Tractor will ensure that this development does not reduce the availability of assured stock, and to explain why we have decided not to pursue some suggested methods of moving forward in favour of others. We will also have regard for market conditions when giving careful thought to the timing of the next steps.


David Clarke, CEO of Red Tractor Assurance stated “We were delighted that so many individuals and trade bodies responded to the consultation and provided us with very detailed and considered feedback. Whilst we will progress the move to lifetime assured beef, the message we have heard loud and clear is that we must do so cautiously.”


“Obviously there are still a number of points to be finally resolved to allow us to progress. We will ensure that we have detailed dialogue with the key industry groups over the next few months to hear their views, seek their input and to keep them updated with developments.”