Farming News - Ranil Jayawardena becomes the new Defra Secretary in cabinet reshuffle

Ranil Jayawardena becomes the new Defra Secretary in cabinet reshuffle

The Member of Parliament for North East Hampshire, Ranil Jayawardena has become the new Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs replacing George Eustice. 

He previously served as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Trade from 2020 to 2022.

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He said : "It is a privilege to be appointed Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

"From food security and backing British farmers, to water security and growing our rural economy, I know that there is much to do. It is so important to recognise where our food comes from"

Posting on social medis he said : "This year in NE Hampshire alone, we will consume 11 million eggs 550 tons of beef and 17 million pints of milk.

"I recently met local farmers in NE Hampshire with the NFU, and discussed not only the government support already provided, but the export growth that lies ahead.

"We will deliver a thriving British food industry, a cleaner environment and a growing economy, maximising the benefits of Brexit"

Mr Jayawardena has represented North East Hampshire since 2015 and served as deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. He supported Brexit in the referendum but in November 2018 resigned as a parliamentary private sectretary in the ministry of jusrice in protest over the Brexit deal struck by former PM Theresa May.

In a recent parliamentary debate he said :"We see real potential for British food and drink exports to grow, particularly in high-growth markets where the middle classes are expanding—notably the Asia- Pacific region. We work closely with farming and food organisations, such as the NFU, to deliver a practical range of export support for farmers and food businesses.

"We are removing trade barriers globally ...... including the ban on British beef in the Philippines, opening up a market worth £375 million a year to British farmers. We are expanding our overseas network of more than 100 agriculture, food and drink trade advisers to include eight new dedicated attachés, who will focus on unlocking trade barriers for our great British farmers."

Picture: Twitter