Farming News - ProCam appoints new UK Technical and Services Manager

ProCam appoints new UK Technical and Services Manager

Leading agronomy firm ProCam has appointed Simon Francis as the company’s UK Technical and Services Manager.


Based in Skipton, and with a family background in farming, Simon has worked in the agricultural sector for the entirety of his career: he studied botany at university and, since graduating, has held a variety of roles within the arable seed industry and crop input manufacturing sector.

 From his first job as a trials manager for New Farm Crops, to his most recent role as commercial technical manager for FMC Agro Ltd., Simon’s previous roles have always had crop agronomy as the focus, including a time as a BASIS and FACTS qualified agronomist. More recently, Simon has held a number of commercially focused roles.

 In his new role as Technical and Services Manager, Simon will work alongside ProCam’s UK-wide team of agronomists to enable them to work closely with their growers to provide the best possible service. Key to this will be the development and delivery of added value agronomy services including ProCam’s SoilSense and FieldSense precision farming services.

 “I’m excited to start a new chapter in my agricultural career, especially as I’m joining such a well established and highly regarded company as ProCam,” Simon explains. “During my career I’ve enjoyed several opportunities to work with ProCam and have always found the teams to be very focussed, positive and fun to work with.

 “ProCam’s vision of providing real-world advice and services to help farmers and farm businesses prosper is closely aligned with my own outlook, and I look forward to playing an integral role in helping the company’s agronomists and farming customers to work more efficiently and effectively together.”