Farming News - Welcomes Government Consultation to Extend Permitted Development Rights Welcomes Government Consultation to Extend Permitted Development Rights

The UK government has today launched a consultation into permanently extending Permitted Development Rights (PDR) for tent camping from 28 days to 60 days for farmers and landowners in England. 

The consultation, which would see temporary campsites restricted to a maximum of 30 pitches, was promised by the government last year with an aim to support pop-up camping in summer 2023.

According to the government website, the consultation process seeks ‘views on proposals relating to permitted development rights’.

“We are consulting on the introduction of a new permitted development right to allow land to be temporarily used as a recreational campsite,” the website states.

“Over the past 2 years England has seen a renewed demand for domestic holidays, and holidaymakers have enjoyed trips to our magnificent coastlines, countryside, towns and cities. As the country faces new economic challenges, the government recognises the importance of supporting the local tourism industry and domestic holidaymakers to ensure that as many people as possible can enjoy summer breaks in England.”

Other issues the consultation process is dealing with include governing the installation of solar equipment, various aspects of local authority development, and the temporary use of buildings for land for film-making purposes.

The move has been welcomed by – Europe’s largest outdoor accommodation provider – which has been lobbying the government for a permanent extension to PDR for more than a year.

Founder Dan Yates said: “The government said it would consult on this issue last year, and said the consultation would be in time to support pop-up camping for Summer 2023. Although they seem to have been procrastinating a bit, and have left little time to complete the consultation in time for this year’s holiday season, the fact it is now underway is great news.”

Under the current regulations, farmers and landowners can operate temporary campsites for up to 28 days each year for an unlimited number of tents without applying for planning permission.

But this was extended to 56 days in June 2020 to help the rural economy recover from the COVID pandemic and to provide extra capacity for tourists to holiday in the UK as international travel ceased.

The move saw an estimated £25m injected into the UK’s rural economy in 2021, but PDR returned to 28 days at the end of that year.

Mr Yates added: “Extending PDR had a huge benefit for farmers, landowners, and other rural businesses such as pubs, and provided an escape for many COVID-weary holidaymakers.

“It wasn’t only campsite owners and operators that benefited. Our research showed that almost half of the spend* generated by temporary campsites went into the local economy, with local shops, pubs and restaurants all enjoying higher sales.

“Now, during the cost of living crisis and at a time when farmers are reeling over the winding-down of Basic Payments, unprecedented input costs and a labour crisis, extending PDR permanently could provide a lifeline for them, and a cost effective break for people unable to afford a foreign holiday.”

As part of the consultation, the government is proposing to extend PDR to 60 days per year, but limiting temporary campsites to 30 tents to ‘minimise the potential impacts of campsites on local communities’.

The consultation also proposes requiring temporary on-site facilities, including showers, toilets, and waste storage and collection to be provided.

The government is inviting response to the consultation by 25th April 2023, ideally via an online survey.

Mr Yates said the new regulations would have far-reaching, positive consequences for farmers, rural businesses, rural communities and holidaymakers if they got the go-ahead.

“Extending PDR like this is a win for all,” he said.

“It proved to be extremely effective during the pandemic and right now, with everyone facing difficult times – not least farmers – it would have profoundly positive long-term impacts for our rural communities.

“We encourage all interested parties to take part in the consultation, and we hope the government will see fit to write this into the statute book.”