Farming News - Phoma rapid development in mild weather
Phoma rapid development in mild weather
The continued mild autumn is encouraging development of Phoma in oilseed rape amid reports of rapid appearance of the disease in the South. Mildew is also starting to appear in some crops of wheat and barley particularly on lighter soils. Aphid numbers remain low. The met-office is not forecasting any significant cold weather with only a low chance of colder conditions towards the end of November.
- Phoma rapid development in south and appearing in all regions.
- Aphids low levels found in crops in most regions.
- Slugs active decreasing.
- Mildew in some crops of wheat and barley.
Winter Wheat
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Mildew developing on some wheat crops |
South. Wheat drilling all but finished now – just an odd field after late harvested maize left. Earliest sown wheats now at 3 leaves to 1 tiller, with bulk of fields emerging to 1 ½ to 2 leaves. Soils are moist again following rain on Thursday. Some significant crop damage from residual herbicides (particularly where pendimethalin featured) applied prior to heavy rain on 5th/6th October on heavier and lower lying areas of fields – likely to be some crop loss. Similar reports of damage following drilling with Cross-Slot/Strip-Till type drills where slots have not been adequately closed.
Mildew: low to moderate levels showing now in Solstice and Skyfall particularly on lighter soils.
Aphids: none seen.
Slugs: with the exception of second wheat fields on heavier soils there is very little slug activity of note.
Weed control: blackgrass beginning to show now in earlier sown (3-4 weeks ago) fields that have had pre-em applications, though most are showing signs of herbicide uptake so fingers crossed that good control will ensue.
Eastern Counties. Earliest drilled wheat at start of tillering but the majority at the two to three leaf stage. Second wheats all drilled and emerging. Late sown going in after roots also emerging.
Slugs: activity mainly after rape but seems to have slowed a little. Some seen in trashy second wheats.
Weed control: first emerging blackgrass in earliest drilled wheat getting to two leaf stage. Further tiny plants emerging now. First Atlantis recommendations imminent on bad fields.
East Midlands. Forward crops at GS 12-13 with later drilled crops at GS 11. Blackgrass late drilled crops just chitting. Later drilled crops slow emerging. Crops after maize just being drilled. Soils conditions are good with no problems in establishing crops - in fact seedbed have generally been very good.
Slugs: no problems to seed with good soil cover and little or no grazing yet as crops emerge but wetter weather may change that.
Weed control: blackgrass in some crops emerging as soon as the crop emerges with reports locally of high levels getting through pre emergence herbicides with Atlantis planned at blackgrass 1-3 leaf stage. Time will tell if delayed drilling has reduced numbers again this year.
West Midlands. Crops range from newly sown through to early tillering. More rain over the last week is ensuring that pre ems are now really kicking in, no ground is as yet too wet to spray albeit a little bit sticky this week Maize ground finally being cleared but not much drilled after this crop as yet, hopefully by this time next week will have a much clearer view as to what is in and what we can spray with pre ems.
Slugs: couple of plough drill crops have required pelleting but all min till second wheat crops, zero grazing.
Gout fly: early sown crops easy to find eggs.
Weed control: Bromes starting to appear
North East. The most advance crops now starting to tiller but the majority of crops are only at two leaf stage.
Opomyza: a few fields badly hit.
Slugs: activity picked up on later drilled crops.
Weed control: blackgrass - largest populations ever seen emerging, both stale seed beds and drilled wheat.
Winter Oilseed Rape
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Phoma present in all regions. |
South. September sown crops are now generally around 3-5 leaves, with August sown crops around 6-7 leaves. A run of milder days and nights has finally stimulated some more meaningful foliar growth and weather looks to be remaining unusually mild for next few weeks – just what the “Crop Doctor” ordered!
Flea beetle: no new damage.
Phoma: has been a rapid increase in leaf spotting this week in all unsprayed crops, with levels ranging from 5% up to 30-40% - any outstanding applications need applying at next opportunity now, particularly with onset of milder conditions encouraging more rapid mycelial growth down leaf petioles.
Aphids: Myzus persicae adults were being found at low levels last week and have started finding nymphs on underside of leaves in last few days.
Slugs: most crops finally appear to be getting away from slugs now.
Weed control: significant flush in many fields with history of blackgrass. Most fields will have Kerb or Astrokerb applied in November once soil temps. are
Eastern Counties. Most crops now range rom 3 - 10 true leaves. Recent rain has moistened things up again as it was drying out rapidly.
Flea beetle: still feeding on smaller plants this let up!
Phoma: threshold still not reached yet in crops but levels are increasing. Fungicide now imminent.
Aphids: very low numbers.
Slugs: low levels only.
Weed control: Charlock prone fields now being assessed for numbers present. Charlock flowering! Sow thistles also being seen on heavy land.
East Midlands. Forward crops at 7 leaves with later crops at 2-5 leaves.
Flea beetle: not really a problem re establishment now.
Phoma: levels still remain very low and below thresholds but gearing up for control sprays at the end of this month to early November depending on when phoma starts to appear.
Slugs: odd crops requiring pelleting but on the whole most crops are now growing away from any damage.
Weed control: all Centurion Max sprays now on but concern over how effective it is now becoming. Kerb follow up planned for early November when hopefully soil temperatures will be falling back and after recent rains soil are wet enough. Reports locally of high levels of blackgrass getting through Laser and fops/dims (not really unexpected).
West Midlands. Crops range from 3 true leaf to completely covering the ground. Bit concerned with soil temps now increasing and pretty much all Kerb applied but would rather have it on in dryish conditions and no ruts than applying it in a months time to waterlogged or frozen soils!
Aphids: very low levels - no action to take.
Flea beetle : very low damage.
Slugs: no crops required pelleting this week.
Phoma: trace levels in most crops but none at threshold.
Weed control: Hedge mustard and charlock need sorting at some point, some fields the charlock and runch is already flowering so a good frost should sort these field out.
North East. All crops range from 3 leaf to 7 leaf. Crops are generally looking healthy.
Flea beetle: no longer a problem on 95% of crops.
Aphids: a few found in crops this week.
Slugs: activity decreasing..
Phoma: first signs of disease across the region.
Weed control: Hedge mustard becoming more obvious.
Winter Barley.
South. Crops range from 1 leaf to 3-4 Leaves. No disease present yet.
Eastern. Earliest drilled crops at GS 12/21. Growing well.
West Midlands. Crops emerging to GS13. Earlier sown light land crops just starting to show signs of mildew and manganese deficiency.
East Midlands. Crops at 1-3 leaves.
North East. Crops range from drilled to GS22. Some slug activity this week. No disease present yet.