Farming News - OSR area for 2019 harvest the lowest since 2006

OSR area for 2019 harvest the lowest since 2006

DEFRA has released the final June Survey figures covering English agricultural plantings for 2019. 

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Planted English oilseed rape area for 2019 harvest remains the lowest area since 2006 based on either survey. This is primarily caused by re-plantings that took place for the OSR crop due to crop failure. Failure occurred from poor establishment in autumn due to dryness and cabbage stem flea beetle damage or pigeon damage.

The English wheat, barley and oats area have increased year-on-year. This could be partly lead by the replanting’s of oilseed rape into some cereal crops.

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Production Estimates

Little change to overall average yields for GB crops is seen in the final ADAS 2019 harvest report, released today.

Harvest has ended for most of Great Britain, with relatively settled weather in England and Wales over the past few weeks allowing good progress in northern regions. However, the more unsettled weather experienced in Scotland has resulted in a small amount left uncut, as of 24 September.

Based on the average yield results of the final harvest report, estimates regarding UK production for 2019 are:-

  • Wheat at 16.19Mt - the largest wheat crop since 2015
  • Barley at 7.53Mt - the largest crop on record
  • Oats at 1.04Mt - the largest crop on record
  • Oilseed rape at 1.77Mt - the smallest crop since 2004

The large wheat and barley crops will undoubtedly push us into a net-export trade position for both. The prospect of a no-deal Brexit is concerning when the UK faces a large exportable surplus. We have done a number of analysis pieces regarding the effects of a no-deal Brexit, which can be found here Analyst Insight page.

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