Farming News - NFU Mutual wins award for tractor security initiative

NFU Mutual wins award for tractor security initiative

12 July 2011

NFU Mutual, the UK’s leading rural insurer and a provider of pensions and investments, has taken the prize for the 2011 Claims Initiative of the Year at the British Insurance Awards.

The  company  scooped  the  accolade  for  its campaign to help UK farmers tackle an unprecedented rise in tractor theft. The company sponsored a police  unit  to  focus  on  the  theft of expensive tractors for export and helped introduce a new registration scheme for farm machinery.

It has also introduced premium discounts for policyholders who fit approved security devices to their tractors.

Rural  crime  -  in  particular agricultural vehicle theft - is an increasing  problem  with  approximately £1.5 million of machinery stolen in the UK every week.

Since  NFU  Mutual’s  Rural  Crime  Campaign was launched in 2010, stolen  tractors  worth £1.7m have been recovered with coordinated Police operations leading to a £50,000 reduction in thefts each month.

Now in their 17th year, the British Insurance Awards showcase top class performance and innovation in the insurance industry.

Commenting on the award, Steve Bower, NFU Mutual Customer Services Director, said: “We’re a mutual insurer whose priority is to look after its members. When tractor theft turned into an epidemic we took the lead in bringing police, manufacturers and security firms together to tackle the problem.

“Winning the award is a fitting tribute to the expertise, initiative and determination of the team who put NFU Mutual’s rural crime initiative together.