Farming News - NFU: Trade with US would be a major boost for UK farmers

NFU: Trade with US would be a major boost for UK farmers

The NFU believes accessing the lucrative US beef and lamb markets would be hugely advantageous for British livestock farmers.
Defra Secretary of State Liz Truss has announced that the country is a step closer to opening up a £60 million a year export boost, following further talks between the UK and the USA to negotiate a deal.
Last October NFU President Meurig Raymond was in the US pressing USDA trade officials to open up lamb and beef trade. Following his return he urged the Secretary of State to go to Washington to resolve outstanding US concerns.
The UK submitted a 1,000 page dossier last week to the US Department of Agriculture, detailing the safety and quality of British beef and lamb.
NFU livestock board chair Charles Sercombe said, “Re-opening the US beef and lamb market to UK imports would be an important confidence building measure for the British livestock sector. The US is potentially a huge and affluent market that has strong links to the UK as we share history and language.”
However, the livestock board chair added, “Securing access is one thing but building the market is another.” He said farmers interested in selling their beef and lamb to the US should be supported by the government and levy board and that “Strategic planning should start now” to avoid any hold ups.