Farming News - New Evagio Forte from Syngenta provides blight control with built in resistance management

New Evagio Forte from Syngenta provides blight control with built in resistance management

Syngenta has launched Evagio® Forte, a new blight fungicide for the 2024 season. It integrates the most effective CAA foliar blight active ingredient, mandipropamid, with the added security of amisulbrom in an easy-to-use optimised formulation.


The integrated Evagio Forte formulation of two powerful actives, from two different fungicide groups, adds a valuable anti-resistance strategy and maintains the overall efficacy of the blight programme, advises Syngenta Technical Manager, Andy Cunningham.

Andy highlighted registration trials have proven the formulation of Evagio Forte delivered the most effective blight control at reduced active loading of the mandipropamid and amisulbrom combination, compared to the rates recommended for the two individual components.

“That is important for agronomists looking to minimise overall fungicide active applications in the blight programme, especially when using mixes of solo products to tackle resistance concerns,” Andy advised. “Without the evidence of such specific efficacy trials, it is always recommended to use the full rate of any blight fungicide, even when used in mix with another product.”

Andy advocated the combination of mandipropamid and amisulbrom can be used from first flowering and could prove especially useful from canopy complete through to the end of the season, to keep foliage clean of infection and reduce risk of tuber blight. 

“Evagio Forte is highly active against blight spore germination as a preventative application. Fast uptake into the leaf tissue assures good translaminar movement and local systemic activity that inhibits disease mycelial growth during the application period,” he said.

He recommended using the Syngenta Blightcast forecasts of weather conditions conducive to blight, to help indicate spray timings and intervals between applications. It should be used in conjunction with knowledge of any local disease incidence that will significantly increase risk of infection.  

Growers and agronomists can use three Evagio Forte applications in their blight programme at a rate of 0.6 l/ha, subject to FRAC guidelines on the total number of CAA treatments. For optimum resistance management, it should always be alternated with another blight product containing actives from a different fungicide mode of action group.  

Andy reported that while some EU_43 blight strain isolates in the EU had shown reduced sensitivity to the CAA group of active ingredients, including mandipropamid, there has been no recorded UK incidence. However, he warns that growers and agronomists must remain vigilant.

“It is crucial to take a precautionary approach, utilising more blight spray mixes and alternating chemistry modes of action, to minimise the risk of any issues developing,” he urged. “Evagio Forte provides an important additional option to bolster that approach.”