Farming News - Milling wheat market challenges to be addressed by grower events

Milling wheat market challenges to be addressed by grower events


Growers looking to tailor their approach to growing and marketing milling wheat for harvest 2014 are invited to attend the latest series of breakfast events by HGCA and nabim.


The events are taking place in five counties across England during February and March:


  • · Kent (Maidstone) 12 February
  • · Essex (Chelmsford) 13 February
  • · Cambridgeshire (Huntingdon) 20 February
  • · Yorkshire (Beverley) 4 March
  • · Northamptonshire (Bugbrooke) 27 March


Each event will include a look at market prospects for milling wheat over the coming season, delivered by market experts from AHDB/HGCA.


Presentations will also cover key technical challenges facing milling wheat growers. Technical topics, covered across the five events, include:


  • · How best to manage in-field variability, through optimal nitrogen use, to help hit bread-making specifications for grain protein – delivered by experts at ADAS (February events only).
  • · Latest advances in wheat disease management ­­– delivered by NIAB’s Bill Clark (4 March).
  • · Getting to grips with black-grass through combining chemical and cultural control ­ – delivered by Rothamsted Research’s Richard Hull (27 March).


Influential members of the milling wheat supply chain will also discuss ‘What’s in the back of your shed?’. The discussions will look at a variety of best practice measures to help ensure milling wheat stands the best chance of making the grade.


For further details, visit or call 024 7647 8724.