Farming News - King's Speech – NFU statement

King's Speech – NFU statement

Responding to today's King's Speech, NFU President Tom Bradshaw said: "I am pleased to say we have heard this new government repeatedly state that food security is critical for national security. Now that it has set out its legislative activity for this session of Parliament, we need to see a plan for food production which backs this up. With farmer confidence at an all-time low, investment in food and farming via an increased multi-annual agriculture budget is key to unlocking growth and future prosperity.
"A number of Bills included in today's King's Speech at the State Opening of Parliament will be significant for British farm businesses, not least those relating to planning reform and infrastructure, crime and policing, mental health, skills and new technologies and renewable energy opportunities through the creation of GB Energy. 
"Our farmers and growers are ambitious for the future, and with new policies that revitalise farm business confidence, government can help to kickstart economic growth, deliver affordable, climate friendly, high welfare food production, improve the environment, and stimulate clean energy supply.
"We look forward to working in partnership with this new government to help shape the legislation that will deliver this change."