Farming News - Increase in seasonal workers visas is a step forward, NFU says

Increase in seasonal workers visas is a step forward, NFU says

Responding to Defra’s announcement on the Seasonal Workers Scheme, NFU Deputy President Tom Bradshaw said: “This increase in visas is a positive step forward and will be a relief for many growers who are currently struggling to find the skilled workforce needed to continue producing the nation’s fruit, vegetables and ornamentals.

“For some growers, this announcement will have come too late with some already having made the difficult decision to reduce production in the coming season.

“Growers have faced a really tough year with soaring energy and fertiliser costs only adding to the pressure caused by significant workforce shortages, which resulted in £60 million of fruit and vegetables being wasted in the first half of 2022 alone.  And we expect the coming 2023 season to be equally challenging.

“We’ll be closely monitoring the situation this season and given the significant pressure growers are currently under, it’s important that any decision to release the further 10,000 visas is timely and made ahead of the peak season.

“Earlier this year, the government’s food strategy reflected the sector’s ambitions to increase the amount of fruit and veg grown on home soil. To see this ambition realised, growers need longer term certainty.

“The NFU will continue to ask for a minimum of a five-year rolling SAW scheme to give growers the confidence to invest in their businesses, and boost Britain’s production of nutritious and affordable fruit and vegetables.”