Farming News - How to Protect Your Pipes and Water Supply During Cold Weather

How to Protect Your Pipes and Water Supply During Cold Weather

After a summer of extreme heat, many Brits are welcoming the winter months.  However, it’s not only hot weather that can cause disruption. Low temperatures can disrupt all walks of life, with farming no exception to this.

The cold threatens water supplies as water within exposed pipework and outdoor taps can freeze. This does not create just a short-term issue. The frozen water will expand within the pipes, causing the pressure to increase whilst stretching the existing pipework. After the winter, this damage can result in costly and highly disruptive leaks and bursts.

Everflow has witnessed first-hand the costly impact of frozen and burst pipes for farmers. After the challenging Summer endured by the industry – followed by the worsening of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis – many farms simply cannot afford the cost of a weather-related calamity.

There are several preventative measures that can be taken to avoid frozen or burst pipes. Taking the time to ensure your operation is fully prepared for the colder months could save businesses thousands in water bills and repair costs.

Prevention is better than cure

It is never too early to take steps to protect your pipes ahead of the challenging colder months. The process begins by surveying the property and identifying any pipes that carry water – this simply involves running the water and checking to see which pipes vibrate. Once all the pipes have been identified, the best preventative measure to protect your pipes is to wrap them in lagging.

Additionally, be sure to protect any water pipes that could be exposed to cold weather – think warehouses, stables, barns, cellars, and outdoor taps in the yard. Lagging can prevent pipes from freezing in the first place, so doing it correctly and thoroughly is worthwhile.

Don’t overlook anything

After lagging, it is necessary to protect the taps themselves. Outdoor taps are especially vulnerable to the elements and once a tap is frozen it can drastically increase the chances of a burst pipe. Outdoor tap covers – available at your local DIY store – can offer much-needed protection. 

Other preventative measures include fixing leaking taps, ensuring your boiler has been recently serviced, insulating water tanks, minimising draughts from outside by using insulation and closing doors/windows to unheated parts of the property.

It is also important to ensure your water meter is protected, as freezing conditions can often damage these. If your meter does become waterlogged or broken, it is important to raise a repair request immediately to avoid any shock bills.

If prevention isn’t enough – act immediately to stop and minimise the damage

 If you find yourself without running water, you should get in touch with your neighbours to see if they are experiencing the same issue. If they are, it’s likely the issue is a supply interruption.

If this isn’t the case, your pipes will likely have frozen. In this scenario, your first move should be to turn off your water supply at your stop tap and begin efforts to thaw your pipes. This can be done by applying gentle heat to the exposed pipes (i.e. a warm towel) to try and get the water moving again.

When attempting to thaw your pipes, move the heat source along the line to prevent any damage or cracking from occurring. To check if you have been successful, turn the water supply back on at the stop tap and check if the water is flowing. If unsuccessful, you should contact a plumber.

Ultimately, prevention is better than cure. To start 2023 off on the right foot, it is highly advisable to take all preventative measures possible to avoid the costs of repairing bursts or leaking pipework before disaster strikes.

For more information about how you can protect your water pipes, visit