Farming News - HGCA announces line up for Grain Market Outlook Conference 2013

HGCA announces line up for Grain Market Outlook Conference 2013

An inside view on Chinese grain markets and the resilience of the UK cereals industry are just two of the topics tackled at the year’s Grain Market Outlook Conference.


AHDB/HGCA Senior Analyst Jack Watts will be joined by Chris Gadd, Grain Analyst from Macquarie Securities, Silvia Ren, China Markets Manager, from FC Stone and Graham Redman, Partner, from the Andersons Centre at the half-day event on 15 October in London.


Jack Watts, AHDB Senior Oilseed and Grain Analyst, will give an update on the current grain and oilseeds market. His paper will look at the on-going impact of the 2012 harvest as well as current factors influencing the supply and demand of grain across the UK and the globe.


Chris Gadd will present on the oilseed market outlook for the season and how industry partners can manage associated risks.


Silvia Ren will focus on the Chinese grain and oilseed markets in the short and longer term and will look at the physical drivers of supply and demand, import scenarios and broader issues for the sector.


Graham Redman will concentrate on resilience in the UK cereals industry and give an overview of how equipped the industry is to manage future change.


Jack Watts said: “So far 2013 is shaping up to be the first ‘normal’ growing season for the Northern Hemisphere since 2009, which is putting downward pressure on pricing and comes as a double whammy for UK farmers, who have of course have had anything but a normal growing season. This, following the extremes of 2012, is going to be a real test of the industry’s resilience.”


Tickets cost £79 for levy payers and £252 for non-levy payers, including papers and a networking lunch, for the event, which takes place at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London.