Farming News - Harvesting Savings Through Smart Water and Waste Management

Harvesting Savings Through Smart Water and Waste Management

Clare Galland, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Manager at Everflow


The UK farming industry faces numerous challenges, from rising costs to increasing pressure to minimise environmental impact. Record-breaking rain in recent months has drastically reduced the amount of food produced in the UK. Livestock and crops have been affected as fields have been submerged since last autumn.  

Recent forecasts suggest a potential decrease in average farm business income for most farm types in England compared to last year. On top of this, senior officials from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and the Soil Association have  warned of  “enormous” financial and mental strain causing many farmers to consider leaving the sector. These challenges emphasise the urgent need for transformative measures in farming.

Water Management for Sustainable Farming

Water is crucial to farming, yet ensuring it’s used in a sustainable and cost-effective way can be challenging. Since the water market opened in the UK in 2015, farmers have had the opportunity to review their water suppliers and bring more eco-friendly services on board. However, finding the right fit can be tricky, given each farm’s unique water needs.

Working with experts who understand the critical role of water in agricultural operations can make the process much smoother, as they can offer tailored solutions that meet individual farmers’ needs.

Diversifying Water Sources for Cost Savings

Diversifying water sources is essential to mitigate risks associated with climate-induced fluctuations and optimise water usage for cost savings.

Relying solely on traditional sources of water, such as rainwater, can leave farmers vulnerable to unpredictable weather patterns. Investing in reservoirs and water storage enables the collection and storage of excess water during wet periods, which can then be used during drier times, ensuring a consistent water supply throughout the year.

Water Recycling for Efficiency

Implementing recycling techniques to reduce water consumption can also help manage water consumption costs. These may include advanced irrigation systems and water-efficient farming practices, such as drip irrigation, where water is delivered directly to the base of crops, minimising water wastage.

By recycling and efficiently using water resources, farmers can not only make significant cost savings in the long run, while reducing their environmental footprint.

Government Support

The government offers support for farmers seeking to improve their water strategies through grants like the Water Management Grant.

This grant funds projects which enhance farm productivity through using water efficiently for irrigation and constructing on-farm reservoirs.

Similarly, the Slurry Infrastructure Grant, which farmers can now apply for the second round of,  helped mitigate pollution and enhance sustainability, further reducing operational expenditures.

This grant offered funding to help farmers develop robust slurry storage facilities, thereby curbing water body contamination. Whether through constructing, replacing, or expanding such infrastructure, farmers can leverage such support to adopt a more eco-conscious approach to water management, while simultaneously reducing operational expenditures.

Waste Management for Sustainable Farming

Effective waste management is essential for farmers to comply with regulations and mitigate negative environmental impacts.

Amidst growing concerns over the negative impact of farming on the environment, UK farmers are facing increasing scrutiny of their environmental practices, particularly in waste management. Recent controversies, such as the Wye River pollution by chicken farms, have highlighted the need for farmers to address environmental concerns and manage waste responsibly.

Conducting waste audits helps farmers identify and categorise different types of waste, measure waste quantities, and evaluate current disposal methods.

Outsourcing waste management to experts like Everflow streamlines the process, ensures compliance, and contributes to sustainability - all leading to cost savings and improved efficiency.


The path to financial stability and environmental stewardship for UK farmers lies in strategic water and waste management. By seizing the opportunities presented by government grants and adopting best practices in resource utilisation, farmers can navigate the turbulent landscape of modern agriculture with confidence, securing a sustainable future for generations to come.

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