Farming News - Harvest update - over 12000 acres - regional analyses of results so far
Harvest update - over 12000 acres - regional analyses of results so far
Oilseed rape.
We now have over 6000 acres of oilseed rape yields in the 2012 harvest results. The average yield from the 12 varieties submitted so far is just short of 4 t/ha or in old money, 1.6 t/ac or in even older money 32 cwt/acre. So far that is an increase in yield on the last two year average but 0.5t/ha down on 2011. This year there is currently nearly a tonne/hectare difference between the top and bottom yielding varieties.
Winter Barley.
Results so far show that there is very little difference between the 2 and 6 row varieties. However, the average yield across all varieties is significantly higher than in the previous three years. Comments are that there is lots of straw too which should make up for some of the drop in grain price.
Winter Wheat
Wheat yields are just starting to come in but to date they are too few to draw any conclusions as to the likely state of the national crop.
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HGCA/ADAS Harvest Survey
According to the HGCA/ADAS harvest survey by 22 July, an estimated 10% of the UK combinable crop area had been harvested. Overall, progress was good in week 2 of harvest, with 35% of winter barley and 45% of winter oilseed rape now harvested, and the first winter wheat cut. Yields for winter barley and winter oilseed rape to date are typically better than average.
Winter Barley
Yields continue to look promising this season, with some very good yields from the better fields growing feed varieties. To date, yields in most regions have been 5-20% above average, but this is still based on a relatively small number of early harvested crops. At this stage in harvest the national average yield is currently estimated at 7.0-7.2 t/ha, following some high yields in the Eastern region. However, this may change as more grain is harvested from other regions.
Maris Otter is typically yielding 5.6-5.8 t/ha, whilst some of the better 6 row and hybrid varieties are yielding up to 9.6 t/ha. In parts of the Eastern region, feed varieties have yielded up to 10.5 t/ha, whilst the malting varieties are closer to 7.8t/ha. The regular rainfall through the spring and early summer has meant that even crops on some of the lighter land are tending to yield well, although the medium and heavy soils are still tending to yield slightly higher. In Yorkshire, yields have ranged from 5-10 t/ha, with a great deal of variation even within a single variety.
Winter Oilseed rape
Yields have been good, and above average, but possibly not as high as farmers had expected given large canopies and plenty of moisture. Based on crops predominantly harvested in the South, average yields are currently estimated at 3.4-3.6 t/ha, but these could change as more is harvested.
Light and medium soils have yielded well this year, with no water stress limiting yields and adequate drainage to limit waterlogging of the root zone. On ‘virgin’ oilseed rape land, crops are achieving yields of over 5 t/ha. Where rotations are closer, with just 2-3 years between rape crops, yields are lower at 3-4 t/ha. There are a minority of crops that suffered pigeon damage or very poor weed control (missed Galera applications) where yields have dropped to 2-3 t/ha
Yields to date range from 2.2-5.2 t/ha.