Farming News - Harvest Results 2011 - early indications suggest winter barley yields are 12% below overall 2010 levels

Harvest Results 2011 - early indications suggest winter barley yields are 12% below overall 2010 levels

Harvest Results 2011 - 500ac of winter barley submitted so far and early indications suggest winter barley yields are 12% below overall 2010 levels. However, using a first 10 days 'like for like' comparison yields are 6% down.

The Harvest Results automatically moisture adjusts all yields allowing accurate year on year comparisons. It provides a FREE benchmarking survey available to all farmers and agronomists. 

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Visit the Harvest Results today: Harvest Results 2011 Harvest Results 2011 - 500ac of winter barley submitted so far and early indications suggest winter barley yields are 12% below overall 2010 levels.However, using a first 10 days 'like for like' comparison yields are 6% down. The Harvest Results automatically moisture adjusts all yields allowing accurate year on year comparisons. It provides a FREE benchmarking survey available to all farmers and agronomists. 

Simply submit your yields for FREE access:

Visit the Harvest Results today: Harvest Results 2011