Farming News - Harper Adams opts for maximum £9,000-a-year tuition fees

Harper Adams opts for maximum £9,000-a-year tuition fees

HARPER Adams has become the latest university to announce it is setting tuition fees at the maximum £9,000-a-year.

The decision, which will apply to the 2012 entry, follows similar moves by colleges which offer agricultural degrees.

Nottingham University, Reading University and the Royal Agricultural College are also charging the full amount possible.

Principal David Llewellyn said the Shropshire college, which has a large intake of Welsh farming students, had not taken the decision lightly.

He said: “Careful consideration has been given to the high cost of our subject base, but also to the impact of higher fees on students.

“With this in mind, a significant investment is to be made in targeted bursaries, scholarships and other financial support.”

For four years running Harper Adams has achieved the accolade of “Best University College” from The Sunday Times.

The college also has an employability rate of 96.5%, placing it sixth out of 156 UK institutions and the highest in its specialist sector.

Students will not be charged £9,000 during their placement year in industry. Instead a nominal charge will be made to cover student academic support during the year.