Farming News - Graham’s dairy spearhead crucial sustainability discussions

Graham’s dairy spearhead crucial sustainability discussions

Scotland’s largest family run dairy open the sustainability dialogue between the Scottish Government and farmers around the country


Graham’s Family Dairy has hosted a pivotal meeting between the Scottish Government and key stakeholders in the dairy industry, focusing on sustainability in farming and the path to achieving net-zero emissions.

Jim Fairlie MSP, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity, attended the meeting on 14 August which was initiated by the dairy’s Sustainability Manager with the aim of giving Graham’s’ farmers and producers a platform to voice their views on the challenges and opportunities in the quest for sustainable farming practices.

The attendees were made up of Graham’s Family Dairy farmers and producers, spanning from the north east to the west coast, who came together to hold constructive discussions with the MSP about the future of sustainability for Scottish Farming. The meet gave attendees the opportunity to hear from a mix of people from a farming background about the challenges and barriers the industry is facing when trying to reach the Scottish Government’s ambitious net zero targets responsibly.

Jim Fairlie MSP, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity, commented:

“I was pleased to attend this meeting to learn more about what our dairy sector is doing to reduce emissions. It is clear that many farmers and crofters are already taking important steps to make their businesses more climate-friendly.

“This is a small part of this government’s extensive efforts to engage with the industry on how we can improve the sustainability of Scottish agriculture. We are determined to continue with this constructive engagement across all areas of the farming sector.”

The day also provided an opportunity to showcase the innovation and progress within the sector, with attendees getting a tour of the new state of the art milking shed. Graham’s Chairman and dairy farmer Dr Robert Graham was also in attendance, discussing sustainability changes he’s seen in the industry as the five generation family business has and continues to evolve.

Annemarie Keenan, Graham’s Family Dairy Sustainability Manager, said:

“We initiated this meeting to give our farmers a voice in discussions about sustainability and the future of the industry. While the farming community has already made significant progress in improving efficiency and reducing its carbon footprint, continued success requires alignment and cooperation from everyone involved — from farmers to policymakers.

“This was hugely successful and offered us the chance to engage in an open, constructive dialogue with MSP Jim Fairlie, sharing our experiences, celebrating our successes and addressing the barriers that still exist. We hope to continue to identify practical solutions and collaborative strategies that support farmers in their sustainability efforts and help the Scottish Government reach its ambitious climate goals. Our focus is on creating a sustainable future for the dairy industry, where our practices are environmentally responsible, economically viable and socially sound.”

Discussions during the meeting explored innovative approaches to sustainability, streamlined processes, and the necessary support mechanisms that could drive meaningful progress across the sector.

As Scotland continues its journey towards net-zero emissions, Graham’s Family Dairy remains committed to leading by example, supporting its farmers, and ensuring a sustainable future for the wider dairy industry.