Farming News - Grace period extension on NIP most welcome, says NOAH, but long term solutions still needed for veterinary medicines

Grace period extension on NIP most welcome, says NOAH, but long term solutions still needed for veterinary medicines

The EU Commission's three-year extension to the grace period to ensure the continuity of supplies of veterinary medicines to Northern Ireland is most welcome, says NOAH.


With the current grace period to the implementation of new EU rules outlined in the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) due to have expired at the end of 2022, a failure to extend it would not only have endangered the health and welfare of NI farm livestock and pets but would also have compromised food security and public health, as up to 50% of the current veterinary medicines would no longer be available on the NI market.


Dawn Howard, NOAH Chief Executive, said: "This extension will alleviate immediate difficulties due to loss of products; it  is most welcome, and is a testament to the veterinary, farming and animal welfare sectors working together to highlight our concerns.


"Nevertheless, the need for a longer term, sustainable solution is still vital to give UK animal health businesses the certainty they need to secure veterinary medicines supply into the future. We are looking forward to continuing urgent dialogue between the UK and the EU, to develop a workable long term negotiated solution, and remain very happy to offer our support and expertise."