Farming News - Gleadell Oilseed Market Report 8 July

Gleadell Oilseed Market Report 8 July

Jonathan Lane, trading manager at Gleadells, describes the latest developments in the oilseed market.

After the recent sharp declines in price, the rapeseed market has regained some of its losses as a lack of farm selling in Europe. Combined with the supportive planting figures for US soybeans from the USDA, this has helped to put a bottom in the market for the time being.

Yield reports from France have been better than expected, and the very first cuts from the south east of the UK have been surprisingly good given how bad the crops in these regions had looked through most of the season.  There is a growing expectation amongst many in the trade now that the disastrous yields that were previously being forecast are not going to be realised and that production is perhaps going to be better than first feared.