Farming News - Get involved in #BackBritishFarmingDay on Wednesday 15 September
Get involved in #BackBritishFarmingDay on Wednesday 15 September
Back British Farming Day is an annual celebration of British farming and the contribution our farmers make to growing our food, shaping and caring for our countryside and farmed landscapes, and protecting the natural environment for future generations.
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Now in its sixth year, on Back British Farming Day the NFU is holding several events to reinforce to policy makers the importance of British farming.
MPs have also received the iconic Back British Farming wheatsheaf pin badge to show their support in PMQs and the Back British Farming Day debate.
The NFU are also launching a new report to reinforce that British food is some of the highest quality, safest, and most nutritious food in the world and that we have the climate and the natural resources to produce fresh, affordable food for everyone, in every corner of the UK.
Use free resources to join the NFU in celebrating our farming industry on Back British Farming Day here: